
My thing about the ocean...

For today's day off we had the great opportunity for a free trial diving lesson in a small secluded bay near Rethymnon. The surroundings were really nice and the team was great but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to give it a try. My great respect for the power of the sea combined with my issue of pressure equalization, plugged ears and gag reflex made me feel like I am not the perfect candiate to try out diving. Even though I am convinced that it is a nice feeling to float under the water and discover a completely different world, I am glad I decided not to do it. Maybe in a former life I died in the sea or I was one of the pasangers of Titanic or something bad happened to me in the ocean cause otherwise I have no way of explaining my baseless fear...  However, I do enjoy walking along the beach and hearing the sound of the waves breaking as they come closer. So while the others started their diving lesson, I enjoyed some time at the water, reading a book and sleeping in the sun. 50 shades of red is the result for my skin now, but I am already very well equipped with sun lotion, aloe vera after sun gel and some sun allergy lotion from the pharmacy, so I am confident the pain will pass quickly.

Since we all really like to see a lot of new things on our days off, we felt like the diving experience (or diving watching experience in my case) was not enough fo the day so we went to see the waterfalls of Argiroupolis and then continued our trip to Lappa where we indulged in some shopping activities as they offer a great range of olive oil and avocado oil cosmetics. Throughout the day, my shoes slowely dispersed and I tried to hold them together with paper clips. But on the short walk through the old town of Lappa they finally conked out and found their final destiny in my trash can...

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