
Something in common with the Pope in Rome...

Papst Benedikt XVI. geht. Heute ist sein letzter Arbeitstag. Quelle: dpa
Foto: dpa

I never thought that the day would come when I am able to say that I  have something in common with the Pope in Rome, but here it is: both the Pope and I had our last working day today! The only difference is that the pope retires and I am looking forward to my new challenge as travel guide somewhere around the globe. I really enjoyed my last two years in my "old" job but now the time has come to turn over a new leaf and follow my dreams.

But before I enjoy my recently gained freedom, I want to take a moment to thank my lovely colleagues for their awesome surprise today, for all the great moments we spent together, for interesting conversations, enjoyable parties, for the good company during lunches, after work activities, journeys, all the gossiping during coffee breaks and everything else. THANK YOU ALL!!!

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